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8:25 pm - 30 June 2004
lord of the rings
lord of the rings. i fucking hate it. pick yourselves up off the floor people at the sight of a non-believer in the rings. but i hate it.

the films were average, really. the first one, well, it had nice scenery but not much else going for it. and if i want nice scenery i'll go to somerset or cornwall and witness it for myself rather than seeing it in a film. also, after i watched that first one i had to have a lot of it explained to me. not because i didn't understand it, but because there were parts missing that were in the books. PARTS MISSING! how can the films be THAT good if there are parts missing from them that need to be explained to people like me who could never be bothered with the books.

and whats going on with the blatant money grabbing of releasing each film 12 times in 5 formats and extended versions? the sad bastards who obsess over it go and buy all of them because its so brilliant. i know this because my bestest mate is one of these people. he bought them all on video on day of release, then came up to me one day and said "you know what i got today? the first rings film in its special boxed edition dvd with bookends. A DAY BEFORE ITS RELEASED!" i said "thats great, mate. but you haven't got a dvd player." it took him a week to get a dvd player, meaning that getting the thing a day early for an extra �5 was pointless. one of his mates dumped his girlfriend after he found out that she wasn't a fan.

boxing day dinner this year was ruined by my cousin's girlfriend saying "i didn't think much of lord of the rings." she had 5 family members within inches of her face screaming at her for being such a retard. only she isn't a tard, she's the one member of that section of family who can see reason and went up in my estimation that day. its people like that who, well, just need shooting. and that is why i dislike the films so much, really, because of the obsessives.



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