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8:43 pm - 09 May 2004
looking after eggs & oasis
well hello everybody. whats going down? why do i always greet everyone, i'm the only person who reads this. never mind. moving on.

today, for some reason i dont know, i was thinking about something i had to do at primary school once many many years ago. we had to look after an egg for a day as if it was a child. seems a bit extreme for 9 year olds but never mind. anyway, mine was carefully kept in an egg box in a bum bag and well padded. it survived. everyone who had a surviving egg got a prize, except me. and why not? because someone else broke theirs and i got the blame.

y'see, this person had their egg in a pissy little basket, with a bit of cotton wool over the top of it. i was one of a number of people who passed him to go outside. i swear to god i didnt touch him, it must've been someone else. and i was just thinking how unfair life can be.

yesterday i was watching live forever, which is a documentary thing about how great it was to be british & involved with the music scene in the 90s, made up with interviews from important people like Liam & Noel, Jarvis Cocker, and the editor of loaded. and damon albarn. and i realised that Liam & Noel are actually really funny. Liam was asked what he thought about the 2 nights at Knebworth. "i remember thinking that we were only playing one night so getting wasted after the gig. but we actually played two nights, but i dont remember the 2nd one." why did i just tell you that? i dont know.

yesterday evening me & princess leia went to the cinema. queued up for about half an hour, rushed up to screen 13 for the film, only to find that we didnt even get our tickets checked. bit dodgy if you ask me. �6:20 a bloody ticket as well.

i'm waffling a bit now so i'll stop. i'm gonna go watch the last samurai. i bought it on dvd yesterday from sainsbury's and got id'd because the till monkey said the film is an 18.

she is wrong, it is rated 15. and i wasnt best pleased at being id'd because i'm 6ft 1, unshaven, and will be 21 in 5 weeks. state of it, man.

laters. rock on.

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